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LNG Online Data System (ODS)

Helping you to make more effective commercial and trading decisions


Enhancing your ability to identify opportunities in the LNG market

With FGE's LNG Online Data System (ODS), you will have access to up-to-date and reliable commercial data spanning the LNG value chain, enhancing your ability to make strategic decisions and identify opportunities across the global LNG value chain.

Users of our LNG ODS can visualise and flexibly query our proprietary data across the global LNG industry, including LNG contract information, pricing, and buyers/sellers information. The LNG ODS provides coverage for all LNG exporting and importing countries, liquefaction and regasification projects for each country, and LNG project information, such as shareholder details, capacity, etc.

How we can help you

Access detailed country, company and LNG project data when you need it

  • Interrogate and manipulate our global LNG data

    Our LNG ODS gives users the ability to interrogate and manipulate our latest global LNG data easily, allowing them to export the data into chart and image format for use in internal presentations and reports.

  • Buyer and seller company profiles

    Our LNG ODS enables you to understand cross-chain synergies by viewing LNG buyer and seller company profiles.

  • Liquefaction project profiles

    Users of the LNG ODS can evaluate liquefaction assets with farm-in/farm-out activities by viewing liquefaction project profiles including ownership, production and upstream supply.

  • Target specific liquefaction projects

    With our LNG ODS, users can target specific liquefaction projects to contract short-, medium-, and long-term volumes by viewing uncontracted LNG supply by project.

  • Easily screen LNG markets for new supply

    The LNG ODS allows you to easily screen which markets have the greatest potential for new supply by viewing uncontracted LNG demand by country.

  • LNG pricing parameters

    Users can identify LNG pricing parameters for existing LNG contracts by accessing the contract profiles for each active buyer and seller in the market to assist in your negotiation.

FGE's Refinery Online Data System
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